We have been working like crazy trying to get our online curriculum ready to launch! So, what does it take to launch an online curriculum? A lot of work, that’s for sure!

1. Converting the curriculum- We’ve been going through our manual converting the information onto Power Point slides… about 500 of them!Recording

2. Adding the audio- since we want to provide you with the best, we’ve spent hours in the studio recording for the slides.

3. Video demonstrations- we think some demonstrations are absolutely pertinent for you to see, not just read about!

4. Uploading the content- thankfully, Moodle is extremely user friendly, but that doesn’t mean its quick! We are so excited about using such an awesome platform!!


Here’s an update!

We are about 1/2 way done converting our courses and testers have started going through the material. We are hoping to launch in early May, here’s a preview of the website!Website SS