When it comes to infants, safety is so important. One way to keep them as safe as possible is how they sleep. There are so many different types of baby gear out there that can allow you to put your infant down almost anywhere, but even if they say they are, they all aren’t the safest place you should put a infant down.

First, it is recommended by the AAP for the infant to sleep in their parent’s room for 6 months to a year. This is so a parent can react quickly if anything seems wrong. Of course, if a parent hires a Newborn Care Specialist then it is ok for the infant to be in their own room when the NCS is keeping a close eye on them.

Next, you should make sure you always place the infant on his back to sleep. The rate of SIDS has declined by 50% since the Back to Sleep Campaign (now known as the Safe to Sleep Campaign) started in 1994. Infants should always be placed to sleep on their backs at first. It is only safe for an infant to sleep on their tummies when they are consistently rolling there on their own. When they are newborns, adding a swaddle can help them not only settle but keep them safely on their backs.

Also, make sure the infant is placed on a firm sleep space that is either labeled crib, bassinet, portable crib or play yard that meets the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards. The surface should be flat and free of any other items including crib bumpers, stuffed animals, blankets and toys. There should be a fitted sheet on the mattress that is the correct size for the sleep space.

Items like rock and plays, bouncy seats, infant swings, and other baby gear are not meant for sleep. Keeping an infant at an angle while sleeping can cause the baby’s head to fall at an unsafe angle and cause positional asphyxiation. Even though these places may help your baby fall asleep easier or stay asleep, the convenience is not worth the risk.

You’ll never regret taking the time to know the safe sleep guidelines and always placing an infant safely to sleep every time.